FALLUP NI is a private one to one addiction and trauma clinic based in Lisburn. Also known as the ‘Safest Place there is, it offers a safe place to facilitate one to one intervention that utilize a wide range of therapeutic and motivational tools to challenge, educate and empower individuals towards personal recovery and beyond.
Alongside various aspects of ACBT Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming, REBT Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques, FALLUP NI specializes in ADT Amygdala Depotentiation Therapy or ‘Havening Techniques.’
‘Havening’ is a modern psychosensory technique based in Neuroscience and Neurobiology that engages our inherent biological systems in order to heal, strengthen and regulate our bodies and minds. Havening Techniques have proven to help with problems such as anxiety, panic attacks, stress, self-esteem and cravings for addictive behaviours including substance use.
Sometimes we all just need a chance to slow it all down and to take the time to process and reflect on ourselves and our circumstances. FALLUP NI facilitates a range of relaxation techniques that are guaranteed to reboot your thought processes ensuring a boost to your positive trajectories and rejuvenating your energy and motivation.